At this moment, there are still a few hundred readers who receive blog updates from The Friendly Anarchist through Google Reader. Unfortunately, Google is closing this product down. If you’re still using it, you won’t get any blog updates from July 1 onwards. I’m probably alone with this, but I think this is great news […]
All posts tagged ‘forest’
Last Man Walking
Every time I come back to the forests of my childhood town in Northern Germany, the scenery is a little different: Old trees have been chopped, new trees have been planted; rivers and creeks have grown, or have run dry. Sometimes I will see rabbits and foxes, at other times deers, and on the rare […]
The Other Side
The story goes like this: A class of seventh graders travels from Bogotá to the Colombian Amazon and goes for a hike. Before leaving, their guide advises them to respect the indigenous elders and the spirits of the forest. Everybody nods when listening about the gruesome creatures, just one boy laughs. It’s the same boy […]