tl;dr: ((TL;DR stands for “too long; didn’t read” and is my executive summary of longer blog posts. I hope you’ll still make it through the text, but I want to give you some idea what’s it all about.)) Blogging is the most powerful publishing environment created in human history – anything goes! This is why […]
All posts tagged ‘dilettante’
The Digital Boheme
If you ask Holm Friebe and Sascha Lobo, the digital Boheme can be found sipping caramel macchiatos at your local Starbucks. Instead of cudgeling their brains about how to make a living with their art, these new Bohemians just log into Facebook or LinkedIn and get a temporary job or a client’s commission in order […]
Slower Travels, Lessons Learned
Spending the last few weeks on the street once again confirmed my general approach to slower travel. While other location independents call themselves “professionals” – and, certainly, deservedly so – I am more a location independent dilettante kind of guy. Give me six months in Cartagena and (some) work will get done. Give me a […]
Deliberately Dilettante
There certainly is a case to be made for experts. When it comes to heart surgery, I absolutely want the doctor to be a specialist, an expert, and to know what he’s doing. I wouldn’t want to have it done by a heart surgery enthusiast that discusses days and nights in online bulletin boards about […]