All posts filed under ‘Good Reads

Good Reads, Back to Text Edition

I haven’t been writing much lately. Instead, I have been spending quite a bit of time with photography. Most importantly, I worked on my photographic bucket list, also known as Bokehlist. While I’m still tinkering with the first public release of that list, I’m happy to have checked off one of its items during the […]

Good Reads, Hacking Edition

“Fun fact: PHP is actually much more dangerous than swimming with sharks,” I tweeted yesterday. The reason I know is because in the background – unobserved by the masses – I’m working on a whole new Friendly Anarchist: A more personal design, a new logo, PHP and CSS code – and a lot of great […]

Good Reads, Server Move Edition

This edition of Good Reads is probably the scariest ever. As you know, I have been moving every couple of weeks or months during the last 3+ years. And I’m quite comfortable with it: I just pack my stuff, put on some shoes, and there I go. This time, though, it’s different: While I will […]

Good Reads, December’s Here Edition

Happy December 1st, everybody! After the Productive Anywhere launch, I’m slowly getting back on top of things, including my online reading that had been quite limited during the last couple of weeks. Here is some of the good stuff I read in recent days – but let’s start with a bit of shameless self-promotion: If […]

Good Reads, Fast Breaking Edition

If you want to learn to appreciate food, try to eat nothing for a week. I did this experiment recently when I decided to go on a fast for a week, reducing my food from three meals a day to one or two apples, and then to nothing but unsweetened tea and unsalted vegetable broth. […]